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Tïjonïk 6 In ajtij; at tijoxel (I am a teacher; you are a student)


In this unit, you will learn about K’iche’ pronouns. We will start with personal pronouns and how to use them in conversation. Next, you will learn how to report the location of people and objects.


Independent pronouns
Independent pronouns–equivalent to English personal pronouns–are used in K’iche’ as subjects of non-verbal predicates as well as for emphasis or topicalization (for example, “As for me, I am sure I’ll learn K’iche’”). They are used more sparsely than in English, however. Non-verbal predicates include stative phrases denoting states, conditions or qualities. Unlike Spanish or English, K’iche’ does not have a verb equivalent to ‘to be’. You will notice that the English translations of the example sentences below require the verb ‘to be’ as copula. In pronominal, non-verbal sentences in K’iche’, independent pronouns occupy the first slot followed by the predicate as in the following examples:

  1. In ajtij.
    I teacher
    I am a teacher.
  2. At r-ajkun le nu-nan.
    You her-doctor art. my-mother
    You are my mother’s doctor.
  3. Are le u-tat le al Ska’.
    He art. her-dad- art. class. Francisca
    He is Francisca’s dad.
  4. Oj ajxojolob’ pa Awas Q’ij.
    We dancers prep. Good Friday
    We are dancers on Good Friday.
  5. A’re r-al le nan We’l.
    They her-children art. class. Manuela
    They are the children of mrs. Manuela.

Look at the table of independent pronouns. Note that the pronouns are not marked for gender like in the third person in English (in other words, there is no difference between the pronoun for she and he).

you (pl)
you (formal)
you (pl, formal)

We have already seen these pronouns, for example, in greetings:

  1. La utz awach? – Utz maltyox, e k’u ri at? – Utz maltyox.
    How are you? – Well, thank you, and you?– Well, thank you.
  2. La utz wach la? – Utz maltyox, e k’u ri lal ? – Utz maltyox.
    How are you (formal) – Well, thank you, and you (formal)?– Well, thank you.

Let’s look at more examples:

  1. In
    I teacher
    I am a teacher.
  2. At
    You student
    You are a student.
  3. Are
    utz u-na’oj
    He/she/it good his-knowledge
    He is a good man/woman (she/he has good character/ buena gente).
  4. Lal
     k’amal b’e
    you (formal) leader
    You (formal) are a leader.

Locative sentences
Locative sentences, as the name suggests, describe the location of the subject. In K’iche’, locative sentences consist of independent pronouns in the first slot followed by the existential particle k’o and its locative complement, in other words, the place where the subject is. As we have seen in stative phrases, we use the verb “to be” when glossing the sentence in English. Note that if a third person subject is plural the form e k’o is used (we will discuss plurals in more detail in lesson 9). If a third person is explicit, it precedes the existential k’o as well. Let’s look at the following examples:

  1. At k’o
    pa swan!
    at k’o pa swan
    You ex. prep. ravine
    You are in the ravine!
  2. Oj k’o
    pa le r-o’ch le a Wel.
    we ex. prep. his-house Manuel
    We are at Manuel’s house.
  3. In k’o
    pa le u-k’isb’al cholaj.
    I ex. prep. its-last row/lane
    I’m in the last row.

If the subject of the sentence is the third person singular pronoun, the particle k’o stands alone.

  1. K’o
    pa tijob’al
    Ex. prep. school
    He/she/it is at school.

If the subject of the sentence is the third person plural pronoun, e precedes the particle k’o:

  1. E k’o
    pa tijob’al
    They ex. prep. school
    They are at school.
  2. E k’o
    keb’ u-k’ajol le tat Xwan
    They ex. two his-sons art. class. Juan
    Mr. Juan has two sons.

Emphasis, topicalization, and independent pronouns

When the subject is topicalized or emphatic contrast is stressed, independent pronouns are copied in sentence-initial position.

  1. In in
    k’o pa tijob’al!
    I am the one who is at school!
  2. At at
    le utaqo’n le q’atal tzij!
    You are the one who is the judge’s messenger!
  3. Are le Tu’r
    le loq’omanel!
    Venturo is the one who is the buyer!
  4. Oj oj wokol ja!
    We are the ones who are construction workers!
  5. Ix ix e’laq’omab’!
    You all are the ones who are thieves!
K’AK’A TAQ TZIJVocabulary
tz’ib’ab’al pencil, pen, chalk
wuj book
uxaq wuj piece of paper
wanke’t table, desk
tem chair
chim bag, backpack
rax green, blue
q’eq black
q’an yellow
saq white
kaq red
ajtij teacher
tijoxel student
tikonel farmer (someone who plants)
ajtij teacher
ajkun doctor
pare’ priest
kojol b’aq nurse, pharmacist
chakunel worker
k’amal b’e leader; president; traditionally a person who is an expert in ceremonial speech, for example for weddings
ajanel wood worker, carpenter
ajq’ij calendar specialist, daykeeper, shaman
Ajik’ maid, domestic worker (someone who is paid by the month – ik’)
b’insanel ch’ich’ driver
b’anal si’ someone who gets and sells firewood
b’anal ch’ajo’n somebody who does laundry for a living
b’anal wa cook
wokol ja handyman/woman; construction worker
alkalte’ mayor

Translate the following phrases into English.

  1. Oj k’o pa Iximulew.
  2. In ixoq.
  3. Alaq k’o alaq pa juyub’.
  4. A’re’, utz kina’oj.
  5. Rax le nuchim.
  6. La utz wach alaq?
  7. K’o jun tz’i’ pa le nuchakub’al.
  8. In in k’o pa ja.
  9. Are’ le wajtij.
  10. Ix k’o pa le nimatijob’al.
  11. Le qab’ix k’o chila’.
  12. Are’ k’o wuk’.
  13. A’re’ le tijoxelab’.
  14. Oj k’o pa b’e.
  15. K’o jun chi tzij pa le cholaj.

Translate the following phrases into K’iche’.

  1. I have a bag.
  2. I am a teacher.
  3. He is a student.
  4. They are thieves.
  5. They are the ones who are thieves! (focus)
  6. I have two children.
  7. The cook is at Ernesto’s house.
  8. They have shoes.
  9. The priest is at the church.
  10. How is your mom?